Sunday, 17 June 2012

Welcome to my Korean Adventure Blog!

I hope you enjoy following my crazy adventures through South Korea and teaching english, however please forgive me if my blog on occasion does not make sense, or is having technical difficulty as this is the first blog I have ever where to start. I guess the best place to start with why I decided on going to the other side of the world and who I am.

My name is Brittaney Walsh, I am currently 23 years old and have just recently graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bacclaureate in Commerce from the Tourism Management Honours Program.  I have had a lot of people question me with a puzzled looks on their faces as to why I would consider moving to South Korea, as it is clearly not directly associated with my degree. Well after five years of post secondary school, (having previously attend Humber College for my Honours Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management-Business Applications) I found myself with no future commitments, a pile of student debt, and a craving to explore the wonderful world that I had hear so much about in school. So my first thought after exams was to look for a job that might pay me to travel, I applied to a few different jobs in South Africa, Ireland, England and China. Yes, you read that right South Korea was not on the list of jobs I applied for, but with each one of the jobs I applied for I found myself getting to the final round of interviews, only to be told I need more travel experience.

Yet, my luck was about to change. As I was visiting the College Royal Office on campus to wish some friends good luck on their final exams, and decided to take the bus home as it looked to start raining, when I saw a booth in the University Centre Court Yard advertising adventure in South Korea. I stopped by and chatted with the booth's representative, gave them my name and student number and went on my merry way thinking it would be great to travel the world at no cost. A few weeks later, an email appeared in my inbox with a heading of "Your Korean Adventure"...My first original thought was that it was a junk email. But I thought what harm could it be to open it, after reading the contents of the email I discovered that after speaking to the Korean Adventure booth, the representative had gone and spoken to some of my professors and read a few of the papers I had submitted, they had then gone and spoke with a few schools in South Korea, and had a school that wanted to interview me, with the position starting in August. Thus we arrive to where we are now, with only 44 days until I leave.

So I am suck looking around my room trying to decided what I want to take and what will actually fit in my two suitcases with out sending me over my 100 pounds limit (50 pounds in each bag). So if you have any suggestions please leave them in the comment section below.

I will try to keep this blog up to date with all my adventures leading up to my departure date and during the duration of my stay in South Korea.

Happy Travels,


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